Recent Publications
- Wallis, Nancy and Sharon Harrington. The Spirit in Transformation: Navigating Polarities from the Third Way. Book in Navigating Polarities Series. Washington, DC: Paradoxical Press, 2023. (in press).
- Wallis, Nancy. “Transforming in Relationship: When Leader-Member Exchange Theory Meets Adult Development Theory.” In Maturing Leadership: How Adult Development Impacts Leadership. Ed. by Jonathan Reams. UK: Emerald Pub., 2020 (151-169).
- Wallis, Nancy and Brian Emerson. “Creating Rhythm in Blues: Using Polarity Management to Harness the Flow in Paradoxical Tensions.” Challenging Organizations and Society.reflective hybrids, Fall 2015, Vol. 6.
- Wallis, Nancy. “Insights from Intersections: Using the Leadership Development Framework to explore emergent knowledge domains shared by individual and collective leader development.” In Leadership Learning for the Future, A Volume in Research in Management Education and Development, Eds. Scala, Grossman, Lenglachner, and Mayer. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, (185-201), 2014. Proceedings from the Academy of Management International Conference on Management Learning in Vienna, Austria.
- Wallis, Nancy. “Leadership development and individualized leadership: Understanding leader action logics in dyadic relationships.” Challenging Organizations and Society.reflective hybrids, Fall 2012, Vol. 1(1).
- Wallis, Nancy and Spindler, Maria. “Global leadership development: Achieving organizational sustainability in uncertain times.” Presented peer reviewed paper at the European Group and Organizational Studies Colloquium in Helsinki, Finland on July 6, 2012.
- Wallis, Nancy, Yammarino, Francis J. and Feyerherm, Ann. “Individualized Leadership: A qualitative study of senior executive leaders. Leadership Quarterly, 22(182-206), 2011. Nominated for Best Paper Award in 2011.