Creating Leadership Transcendence
“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”
--Albert Einstein
We can improve the quality of our leadership by nurturing our souls, listening to our hearts, and developing our minds. While any of these three aspects of Self can be entry points for transformative learning and change, I like to think of them as moving together energetically in our response to life’s opportunities and challenges.
Our work roles often provide a catalyst to focus on inner work and development, even transformation. Sometimes these catalysts take the form of struggle, frustration, or pain, and can be understood as calls to attend to our deepest selves in ways that will open up new ways of seeing and acting, and therefore new possibilities for change in our current situations.
We may be drawn to focus on soul matters, such as what gives us purpose and meaning and how this is showing up in our vocations. Or we might want to do some heart healing, given a desire to improve a certain relationship or the quality of relating in a group we are part of. We might want to transform our leadership influence by improving our ways of perspective taking, of how we use our power, or of how we manage conflict in a certain high-stress situation.
If you would like to strengthen your leadership by accessing the wisdom of your soul, heart, and mind in new and transformative ways, please consider the following ways we might work together:

Spiritual Direction
“The glory of the Divine is the human person fully alive.”
--St. Irenaeus
Sometimes the demands we face in organizational life dovetail with discovery our souls are poised to make. As a spiritual director, Dr. Wallis engages in holy listening with people curious about how the Divine is moving in their lives and who desire deeper connection with this innate wholeness. Sometimes such curiosity and soul desire occurs along with challenging work situations, but certainly doesn’t have to. As a spiritual companion, Nancy helps others find a deeper relationship with spiritual aspects of our human journeying. Lets explore how individual or group direction can support you at this time.